Sunday, August 10, 2014

Our education turns to activism.

What follows is a copy of the statement we shared in the worship service where Rosa Robles entered into sanctuary at Southside Presbyterian Church in Tucson.  What an honor to be allowed to participate.  We were humbled and moved even as we sang a song of protest, "We will not be moved." this old union song has been transformed into a song for the sanctuary movement and likens us who protest an unjust immigration system to a cactus standing resolutely in the desert.

Our statement follows:

August 6, 2014

(Address in original)

Dear Rev.,

We are a delegation of pastors and lay people from the United Church of Christ in the Indiana-Kentucky Conference based in Indianapolis, Indiana.  We are here in Tucson this week to learn about border issues, the urgent need for immigration reform, and the active response of local faith communities in Tucson as needs, both immediate and long term, present themselves as opportunities for ministry. Today, our own education turns to activism.

Today, we wish to stand in solidarity with you and the members of Southside Presbyterian Church as you prepare to offer sanctuary to Rosa Imelda Robles Loreto while you confront the unjust system that detained her in the autumn of 2010. 

We affirm the theological teachings that have led you to reach out to Rosa in this manner. We remember the biblical mandate to welcome the stranger, provide for the needs of the resident alien and traveler, and to see in every human life the image of the living God.  We concur, as well, with the belief of so many that an immediate breaking of the Washington D.C. gridlock is needed to prevent such cases from arising in the future.  Be that as it may, we fully support you and Southside as you extend extravagant welcome to a child of God who will know hospitality and hope because of your courageous and faithful actions.

May God continue to bless your ministry and the mission of Southside Presbyterian Church.


(all members of our delegation signed on)

The Rev. Wendy Bruner                 Jen Einspahr                                      Tyson Graham   
Zion UCC, South Bend, IN              Zion UCC, South Bend, IN              Zion UCC, Southbend, IN


Linda Kowatch                                 The Rev. John Vertigan
Zion UCC, South Bend, IN              Conference Minister
                                                            Indiana-Kentucky Conference UCC

1 comment:

  1. I finally caught up with this blog. I was looking in the wrong place. Thanks to all for your dedication and ministry to this cause. I appreciated your moving and descriptive words.
